Technical solutions for locating and tracking containers that have fallen into the sea

Etude et rapport

Hammache, Smain | Cerema. Centre d'études et d'expertise sur les risques, l'environnement, la mobilité et l'aménagement (Administration)

Commanditaire : DGITM. Direction Générale des Infrastructures, des Transports et de la Mer

This study consists of an inventory of existing or planned technical solutions for locating containers that have fallen into the sea and ways of monitoring their drift. It looks at tracking devices used for searching for containers or other related purposes (acoustic and/or GPS systems, drift prediction models) as well as prevention devices to avoid containers from falling. It also demonstrates that the container tracking solutions currently on the market would be ineffective in tracking the drift of containers or indicating the point at which they entered the sea. Finally, the study outlines the solutions currently being developed to track containers that have fallen into the sea, while highlighting the economic and logistical limitations to their implementation.

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