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The Resilience of the Indonesian Coastline to Natural Hazards : Semarang and subsidence = Résilience des côtes indonésiennes aux risques naturels
Edité par Cerema - 2021
Coastlines are fragile areas exposed to natural hazards. They may be intensely disrupted by both rapidly developing urbanisation and the effects of climate change. This publication presents the case of the Indonesian urban area of Semarang, located on the shores of the Java Sea. The Semarang coastline is unusual in that it is exposed to very active subsidence which can cause the ground to sink
by up to 13 cm per year. Cerema has carried out an analysis in collaboration with Diponegoro University - Undip (Indonesia) to identify the processes at work. The work produced was supported by the French Embassy in Indonesia and the ministries of research and foreign affairs of both countries. By applying the concept of resilience, a path is opening up in the search for appropriate responses. The publication is fully illustrated, and contains contributions from scientists and experts who have engaged in practical work in Semarang in different contexts, thus bringing their own vision to the analysis of the situation.
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