Adaptation of coastal flood protection systems - Conceptual contributions and research of methodological developments in the context of climate change and land planning

Etude et rapport

IGIGABEL, Marc | Cerema. Centre d'études et d'expertise sur les risques, l'environnement, la mobilité et l'aménagement (Administration). Auteur

Edité par Cerema. Bron - 2022

Coastlines are subject to multiple developments related to land use planning and the effects of climate change, developments likely to generate a strong increase in the risk of coastal flooding. This PhD on published works focuses on systems to protect against this hazard, and presents: • a bibliographical analysis on the concepts, methods and strategies for adapting protection systems ... through strengthening their resilience. This analysis is based on the essential assumption that a coastal flood protection system is a social-ecological system; • in relation to the state of the art and with the aim of completing it, a summary presentation of the research that led to: ◦ the revision of the concept of a coastal flood protection system; ◦ the establishment of a methodological framework to strengthen the resilience of protection systems.

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